The Real Paper
April 18 1978  

TheArts/Painting  Best of Boston in Brockton: Far-Out Art 
By Michael Goodson  

“ As representatives of the semi-objective style, Ralph Hamilton and Catherine Bertulli relate their subjects to the actual world with the suspicion that  “less is more here than meets the eye.”  “Bertulli gives us a wealth of associative detail but chooses to emphasize other visual properties. “ Swimmers “ depicts a swimming pool interior in which the impressionists’ play of light on the objects has been taken to the farthest extreme. Hot pastel figures (day-glo Fauvist?) are reflected in the shimmering pool water. The point at which the pictured window light can no longer reach the water, the surface, in direct contrast to the ultra bright reflections, is painted jet black. Still, Bertulli continues to explore the unlit area after the manner of crayon etching the black overlay scratched away to reveal color outlines underneath.”

Catherine Bertulli

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